I will bring the Equipment.
Danke Frank
Hi guys, please reply to the invite so that we know how many we are tomorrow... Thanks!!!
There is rain forecast for today, are we still meeting for the game?
some rain is not a big deal :P
Thanks Niko! Great, see you there :)
Who has the balls and the key? The bag with the jerseys is in the Texins room (I can bring it).
Christian has the balls and the key and I have the Jerseys.
Hi guys, please reply to the invite so that we know how many we are tomorrow... Thanks!!!
Hi guys, we need to celebrate Dominik and Nelson come back... Shall we go for a pizza tonight after training??!
Yes of course, like the last time you remembered to have a meeting at 8:30 p.m.!!!!! never believe an Italian!
Hi guys, sorry for the late notice but TODAY'S TRAINING IS CANCELED! The reason is that the field has been closed by SC Freising because of the rain. I will try to figure out how to avoid this issue for the next time it rains.
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